- Serverhomepage


§1 Language

§1.1 Language in worldchat is english or german

§1.2 You can use your favorite language in tribechat

§2Server Rules

§2.1Admins are normal Players. We take part in the game as you do and don't use Codes as advantage. So feel free to attack us and don't be pissed if we attack you

§2.2 Your base is protectet by the server if you and your tribemates are offline for at least 30 Minutes (this counter can be increased at a later point of the game)if you come online again the timer starts again if you leave

§2.3 Raiding is allowed anytime

§2.4 if you are raiding, you musst not "wipe a base"! Just get a way into a base, get your loot and leave the base (Either its vandalism or neccessary destruction decides the admin)

$2.5 Vandalism will end in loosing your base by admincodes

§2.6 Passive Farmdinos should not be harmed, its not forbidden to kill them. Keep in mind how you would feel if someone kills your Anky for no reason - so be gentle

§2.7 No griefing

§2.8 No rude talk in chat (we can controll chatlogs)

§3 Players on the Server have to know the actual rules. Not knowing rules doesn't protect you if you break them

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