The End of The Earth Cluster

Taming is 5000x (Instatame), Breeding (LayEggIntervalMultipier=0.01, EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=500.0,, BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=500.0, BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=0.1, BabyCuddleGracePeriodMultiplier=1.0, BabyCuddleLoseImprintQualitySpeedMultiplier=1.0, BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier=5.0) Very High.

Max Wild Creature is 300 (DifficultyOffset=1, OverrideOfficialDifficulty=10)

All engrams Auto Unlock’s as you progress to level 100, at which you will learn all Tek engrams. You can craft Element in the Replicator the only exception is Aberration and Extinction. (Replicator does NOT require Element on all servers).

All Player and Dino Stats are at offiical except, Player (PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=0.5, PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=0.5, PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[Weight]=1000.0) and Dino (

This server is Clustered with Extinction. Will be adding Aberration & Ragnarock soon!!!
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