SE/The Island Cluster Server 24/7 Boosted NO ADMIN

Greetings Ark Survivors!

As you all know there is now the capability for PC to host servers for the PS4 console. I have decided to see how Nitrado performs and have rented a semi-clusterserver of SE and The Island on PS4. These will of course be PVP 24/7. Most likely per popular vote, one of these maps will be switched to Ragnarok upon release.

If you are interested in checking out our server then search for the following: TheIsland-PvP-Boosted-M&C or SE-PVP-Boosted-M&C

Both of these servers are up and running at the same time so you can transfer back and forth at any given time.

Server rates are as follows:

Difficulty x3

XP x5

Taming x12

Harvesting x5

Hatching x12

Mating Interval x10

Nitrado has unfortunately not given us the option to change the stat multipliers at the moment but when they are available the stats will vanilla except for the following:

Weight x3

Fortitude x3

Oxygen x3

We like to run our server without admin usage or abuse. When available from Nitrado, Admin logging will be shown. We believe the best experience of the game is to provide a fair play between all players to enjoy a great PVP experience.

Rules of the server are simple:

1. Constant Griefing will not be tolerated

2. Offline raiding is allowed but is frowned upon

3. Completely wiping tribes out of spite is not allowed. Get in and take what you want and leave.

We also plan to host weekend events such as xp, taming, treasure hunts, battle arena, dino races, etc; and we are open to any ideas you may have.

If this sounds like a server you would like come join us!

The current slot max is 26 players on both servers. This will be changed if the demand is there.

The admins at the moment are PSN ID: MOOKOW23 and cheeze_puff11
Nickname (max 100 players) Number of votes cast within the current month
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