[EU] SDX World The Island PVP Cluster 1

This is a PVP server without any gamerules to follow, we have increased wild dino levels, dino tamed up stats and player stats, we have a increased gather exp taming and breeding rates. The loot u can get out of drops is also tinkerd with and the food and water usage is decreased by half. We are looking for people that want to raid and defend their bases and aswell play togheter with. The rates are boosted that a rebuild if needed is easy to do and wont take as long. so u wont get demotivated to play on our server. what we dont like are server hopping trolls that come in build up few days and start raiding evryone for the next day never to be seen on our server. If u want to join u must add me on PSN so that i can easely track u down in case of bad behaviour. we are making it a bit easyer to play a more offensive server then a general wait and see pvp server atleast give youre victims a shot on revenge thats all we ask. this reason is the reason that we have ORP enabled just for those server trolls thats arent man enough to raid people while they are online.
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