24/7 New Server!!! PVP 15xExp15xTame6xHarvest

The map is Ragnarok
New Server as of 8-30-17
Boosted Mate, Hatch and Mature
Boosted stats and levels gained.
No Admin abuse on this server, Admins are friendly and helpful.
Admin raiding allowed, but we will raid you back.
When raiding, be cool. Take what you need, please don't destroy someone's whole base.

Weekly Events: Admins are building a large multilayered maze with prizes at the end. Also building a coliseum for tribe/dino battles.

Server Rules: No building in Artifact caves, any other cave is fine. No taming Brontos, Diplos and Titans so the server runs smoothly. No Griefing! Griefing is taken very seriously and can result in the Ban Hammer being dropped. Send friend requests to Kilos_Ark and enjoy!
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