BWR 15x/Cluster/Instant tame/Events/Admin shop

Greetings, Adventures
Welcome to BwR, a *New* Ark Cluster and Community. We strive to give everyone a fair playing field, and make sure your problems are solved with the best efficiency! We welcome Ark players of all different Levels, from beginners, to Veterans! Join us Survivor, let us make memories that will be remembered for ages to come!
:**Server Name** bwr 15x
:**Harvesting** 15x
:**Breeding** 30x
:**Taming** Instant
:**Tribe Limit** 3
:**Number of Allies** 1
:**Server Maps** Genesis, Abberation, Valguero, Scorched Earth, Extinction
**Max Dinos** 150
Friendly Discord and server community!
Active and Helpful Admins!
Starters, and Events!
🏠Admin Shop!
**Discord** H2mW5T3xDr
If you have any questions, my Psn is DarknessPrimeX0X, or just dm my discord account
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