Blood n Bone PVP Extinction BOOSTED

Nitrado Rented Unofficial PC for PS4

Looking for a few good pvp players. Still many slots available. Come join our community and stay awhile. No admin abuse. Fast leveling so you can get right to pvping. 🙂

CrossArk: Ragnorak & Extinction maps

5x Harvesting/Gathering

500x Taming

100x Breeding

25x XP

Offline Raid Protection Enabled

Player: 200 levels

Dino: 500 levels

Auto unlock Engrams at level

No Pillaring Allowed

Server Names:

Blood n Bone PVP Ragnarok BOOSTED

Blood n Bone PVP Extinction BOOSTED

Any questions, message PS4 Gamertag SmallStorm2002
Nickname (max 100 players) Number of votes cast within the current month
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