*NEW* Arkadia 24/7 Canada - (16x) RAGNAROK PVP/SMALL TRIBES/CLUS

New Canadian PvP server looking for new players! With rates enough to get going without hours of grinding, but not too high it's unmanageable. Custom events and games!
Mature players, and mature community.
If you need help just ask, its pvp but we are definitely willing to help you get started!
Search Arkadia 24/7 or Canada with pc unofficial, all maps, and all modes selected.

Ragnarok - 16x (Balanced breeding and hatching rates)
Abberation cluster coming soon... (new map DLC will be added at later date)

Friendly and active owners, no cheating or spawning items.
Willing to take suggestions on rates or maps etc.

Join our discord for details on joining or for support/questions.
Discord: https://discord.gg/wuc9NGe
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