
The Brave New World


Farming: x5
Taming: x5
XP:x 5

Breeding: x20
MatureSpeed: x50
MatingInterval: x0.05
CuddleInterval: x0.1

Player Water- and FoodDrain: x0.5
Player and Dino HealthRecovery: x2
TamedDinoFoodDrain: x0.2

Max Players in Tribe: 5
Max Alliances per Tribe: 1
Max Tribes per Alliance: 3

DayCycleSpeed: x1
NightTimeSpeed: 5
DayTimeSpeed: x0.5

Resourcerespawn: 0.2x
Spoilingtimer: 2x
CropGrowthSpeed x5
PoopInterval: x0.5
LayEggInterval: x0.5
Customrecipes: x1.5
DinoTurretDamage: x2
LootQuality: x1 -> Modded Beacons!
Bosses dropping more Element and extra Loot!

Wild Dinos up to Lvl 150 (Difficulty 1, OverrideDifficulty 5)
AdminLogging active
Max Structures in Range: 2000
TurretLimit active


Health: x2
Stamina: x2
Oxygen: x2
Weight: x10
MeleeDamage: x2
Speed: x2
Fortitude: x5
Crafting: x2


Health: x0.5 (Offical -> 0.2)
Stamina: x5
Weight: x50
MeleeDamage: x0.3 (Offical -> 0.17
Speed: x3

1. No Offline-Raid
2. No Building in Artifactcaves and Orbs
3. AdminShop and Eventarena at Green Orb Ragnarok -> No PvP here!
4. No more Rules :)

AdminShop and Events:
• You can buy EVERYTHING at the shop.
• Our Servercurrencys are Polymer, Electronics and Element
• 100 Polymer = 100 Electronics = 10 Element
• The Benfit of the shop would give away at Events
• You can also buy special Things at the Shop such as InstantKibble (for every active Tame), or Speedgrowing Plants or let you paint your Dino via command.
• For Prices ask an Admin ingame.
• Events minimum once a week with nice prices
Nickname (max 100 players) Number of votes cast within the current month
No votes this month yet