420 Inferno x50 SE TEK MODDED DROPS

Come join the 420 Inferno! We host a x50 Scorched/Rag cluster with Abberation soon to be added to the list as well. Auto unlock most engrams with boosted points per level so one person can learn everything for the solo players. The drop list is custom modded with TEK gear potentially dropping in the Red desert crates and cave drops along with a small amount of element. Boss loot has been boosted to give out more element as well. Harvesting / Taming / Dino and Player carry weight per level / XP have all been set to 50 times as well as the cool down on breeding being set lower for quicker turn around time if you lose one! Increase to 400 dino tame limit per tribe. The servers are still very new so plenty of spots left to choose from! Auto Turrets can also be placed on platform saddles!!!! ALL SERVERS PAID UP FOR THE NEXT YEAR! ABBERATION RECIPES CHANGED ON SCORCHED EARTH!
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